Friday, January 13, 2012

Chapter 10

“Hey, Seven,” I called up. “Do you like trees that much? Why don’t you come down here? I’ll tell you where Logan is.”

“I already know where he is, so no need to tell me.” Scott’s voice shook with terror.
“Then where is he?”
“At the caves, taking care of Eight -did you know that he can see the future?”
“No, I didn’t, Scott,” I said sarcastically, “Not until he told me where you were going to be. And that you were going to die before Logan.”
He stopped moving around. “Seriously?”
“Seriously, now get down here and I’ll make it quick. If not, I can make it as slow as possible.” I notched an arrow, ready for him to run. Instead, he shimmied down the trunk to stand in front of me. “What a nice surprise. Shall we get it over with? Any last words?”
“Just that I hope you go to hell and remember how it felt to have the one you truly loved die in your arms.” The sneer on his face pissed me off. The arrow went right through his head before I could even think it through fully. As the hovercraft took him away, I thought about what Scott had said. How did he know where Jake died? Suddenly, I felt the air around me heat up with electricity. I barely moved in time for the lightning bolt to hit directly where I stood before.
I began to run for the caves, my full pack hitting my back. The lightning struck behind me right where I had just stepped. I dove into the nearest cave and the opening was struck as I passed through it. Electricity ran through my body as more lightning hit the cave mouth. I looked around and was bones everywhere. Not all were human, but the ones that were they were full skeletons. One had the exact same necklace as the girl from Two. Another had the same pin as Walsh, tucked in between ribs. My heart plummeted through the ground; there were twenty-two full skeletons, I knew, one for each of the dead tributes. I looked and looked for Jake’s, but I then realized there were only twenty-one. That didn’t sit well with me. Jake was dead, his cannon went off, the hovercraft took him away. I felt him die: Why aren’t his bones here?” I screamed to the ceiling. In answer, a rumble of thunder echoed around me and outside, and then someone was standing in the mouth of the cave. I could see their silhouette in the brief flash of lightning, my heart almost stopping altogether.
“Hello, Caroline. Nice to see you again,” he smiled ruefully.
“And you too. Why are you here?” I held up my sword in anticipation for his attack.
He laughed. “I’m here for your company. Is it wrong for a man to seek out a woman of the same mind?” Lounging against the wall, he picked at his nails nonchalantly. “I don’t think so, though you might have a different opinion about it.” He spotted the bones and laughed again. “I see you’ve found our friends.” Silence was his answer. “Wow; I’m here with the Ice Princess, people.
“Let’s see how fast she melts.” Faster than I could see, he shoved me against the wall. My sword and bow flew out of reach and my pack full of knives was on the other side of cave now. I didn’t stand much of a chance. He jumped on me and pushed me completely to the ground, tearing away what was left of my clothes. I screamed, knowing what he was trying to do and fought back as hard as I could, but he only tore at my hair. Defeated, I stopped fighting and let him take over. Calm, calm, calm, I reminded myself. Get him later when he’s through using your body. You have a lot to get revenge for.
The sudden pain was almost unbearable and I screamed again, trying to push him away. “Don’t think about it, Caroline. I could make this much worse.” Tears began to stream down my face, not knowing what else to. The storm raged along outside. When he was through and began dressing, a tiny silver package appeared next to me as I lay in pain on the ground. I opened it quietly and I knew what I was going to use it for. I dressed, shielding the little vial with my body, waiting for the right time to strike. “So, Princess, what are we going to do now?” He sat next to me, and moved away. “No need to be like that. We’re best friends now, and it’s unnecessary to be so cold” He put his hand on my thigh and I pushed it off. “Come on, please.” He tried to kiss me and I pushed him away again. He fell over and lay on his back, laughing at me. It made me sick, and I knew this was my chance. I popped open the vial, jumped on top of him pinning him down, and I dumped the entire sleeping drug down his throat. I forced him to swallow all of it and he subsided into a sleep that would hold him under for hours. Upon finding a place to make a fire and finding my knives, I began to heat up the knives, ready for my revenge.
I waited and waited, all the while thinking about what my life would be like when I was done with Logan. It’s going to be completely different without Jake around. At least I’ll have Kade to keep me from going insane after what happened here. I chewed halfheartedly on a meat strip, watching the storm grow worse. Logan stirred and I grabbed two red-hot knives and plunged them between the bones on both hands, pinning him to the ground. He woke instantly with a scream. “Why are you doing this?” He was breathing hard, and trying not to move his arms.
“Revenge, Logan, now don’t move. I could make this much worse.” I grinned and tried to fight the terrible monster that was taking a head inside of me. I slid back against the wall, hands over my ears and rocking back and forth, trying to regain control. What’s happening? How and why am I doing this? I’ve never seen this side of me.
It’s alright, Caroline. Give me control and everything will be fine.
“Who are you? What are you?” I shouted.
My name is Gabriel and you will give me this body!
I felt his will push against mine, fighting for the use of my body. “No!” I screamed. I could faintly hear Logan asking what was going on, but I could not answer. Inside my mind, a war was waging between Gabriel and me. We pushed, shoved, anything to have control over my body.
Give me the body! He shouted and I could feel myself weakening to his power. I was too tried and tired from what had happened recently, and I was paying for it when I couldn’t afford it. “I will not yield to you, Gabriel! You cannot have my body at all.” I wanted to pound my head against the wall just to get him out.
“Caroline, release me! I can help you.” Logan shouted from somewhere in front of me.
“No! I can do this myself: Keep out of this.” I put pressure on my temples fighting the oncoming push from Gabriel, expecting it to be a big one. Instead, it was a weak one, and I let up and then the huge shove took over. I lost control of my body with a cry of defeat echoed by a shout of victory from Gabriel.
“Victory is mine!” It sounded strange to me, hearing a male voice coming out of an obviously female body. No; Gabriel, give me control. You don’t deserve this body. I pushed, but it was like head-butting a brick wall.
“Shut up, Caroline. I’m going to finish him off for you. I felt you were becoming unstable, and so your work here is done. Just take a break and don’t watch the show. No will want to watch this, but we’re the last ones and there is nowhere else to go. I hope Kade doesn’t think less of you for this.” He walked over to Logan and I could feel my walk change. Instead of the swish and sway of hips, it was more like an animal stalking its prey. In a practiced move, Gabriel ripped Logan’s shirt off.
“What are you doing, Caroline? Please don’t hurt me.” He began to sob and I felt utterly helpless for the second time in my life. Why are you doing this? Don’t make him suffer, Gabriel.
“It’s okay, Logan; don’t fear me because I am doing this for good cause. All because you hurt my little girl, I’m going to make you suffer. Does that answer your question, baby girl?” I could feel him smile warmly but inside I turned cold from shock and disbelief.
Daddy, I whimpered, praying it wasn’t him, although his name was Gabriel. My heart broke with remembrance.
Yes, Caroline: Ever since I died, my spirit has lain dormant inside of you. The “little monster” that takes over is and was me. I never wanted to see you hurt when you were finally alone.” His voice hardened, remembering his task. “I have to do this for you, sweetie. You have got to win.” Daddy grabbed a knife and began to carve words into Logan’s chest.
Murderer; lair; rapist and others. All sorts of terrible words were placed on his skin. Daddy got a new knife every now and then for a clean cut and for a greater pain factor- and all I could do was watch in horror and watch Logan dying slowly. Please, Daddy, just kill him already. Please don’t make him suffer too long.
“Sorry, Caroline: No can do. This boy has hurt you too much and we need to make him pay. Just deal with it, okay?” As he finished the last word across Logan’s shoulder, Logan finally got up the courage to speak.
“Caroline, if you can do something, just kill me.” It made me hurt, the way he looked at me. Even though he had hurt me in one the worst ways possible, I could bear to see him suffer this way. Sorry, Daddy, but I have to do this. I pushed my will against his weakening resolve and gained control just long enough to force the knife into his heart.
“Thank you,” he coughed, and his life spluttered out.
“Baby girl, how could you do this?” Daddy asked, but I could feel his hold on my body fading. I love you, and this is how you repay me? All I wanted was more time with you. His anger flared, but his voice was weaker and he began to fade more.
“But that was not the way to go about it, Daddy. I love and miss you too, but there were times when you went too far. You taught me everything I know, and there are things I want to forget but I can never forget them. Good-bye, Daddy; I’ll never forget you.” Tears ran down my cheeks as I felt him leave me forever. A sound from outside drew my attention, and I walked out onto the beach. Or rather the lack of sound: The storm had burned itself out and the air around felt charged.
I wanted to leave so bad, I ran into the forest before I realized I had won. I got to the stream before I stopped and took a long drink when I heard the announcer’s voice around me.
“Congratulations, Miss Sullivan! You have won The Games. Now step out where we can get you.”
“No!” I began to run faster, and in no particular path. Behind me I heard a low growl and I turned to see a wild cat following me. I went back to the beach to get my sword and it stopped at the edge of the water, waiting for me to come out. But I never did, because I looked into its deep grey eyes, and I knew I couldn’t kill it. Its black fur was short and looked soft to the touch. Dropping the sword, I walked slowly to pet it. It began to purr, and rub against my hips. I laughed and sat, pulling it closer to me.
Above me, a hovercraft had arrived and pulled me up, leaving the cat behind. I reached for him with a scream and he yowled for me and tried to grab my outstretched hand. The next thing I saw was a huge wave that pulled him out to sea and I yelled at the people in the hovercraft. “Why did you do that to me?”
For the fifth time, my memory skipped. When I get back, I’ll tell someone about it. I’m getting sick of this.
“Just sleep, Miss Sullivan,” a woman said and I felt the prick of a needle and blackness enveloped me.

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